Laravel Options

Learn about Sentry's integration with Laravel and its options for breadcrumbs, and performance.

Most configuration for Laravel is done in your .env file. You can also add additonal config options to your config/sentry.php file.

The Laravel SDK will create breadcrumbs for certain events occurring in the framework, the capture of this information can be configured using the following environment variables:

'breadcrumbs' => [
    // Capture Laravel logs as breadcrumbs
    'logs' => env('SENTRY_BREADCRUMBS_LOGS_ENABLED', true),

    // Capture Laravel cache events (hits, writes etc.) as breadcrumbs
    'cache' => env('SENTRY_BREADCRUMBS_CACHE_ENABLED', true),

    // Capture Livewire components like routes as breadcrumbs
    'livewire' => env('SENTRY_BREADCRUMBS_LIVEWIRE_ENABLED', true),

    // Capture SQL queries as breadcrumbs
    'sql_queries' => env('SENTRY_BREADCRUMBS_SQL_QUERIES_ENABLED', true),

    // Capture SQL query bindings (parameters) in SQL query breadcrumbs
    'sql_bindings' => env('SENTRY_BREADCRUMBS_SQL_BINDINGS_ENABLED', false),

    // Capture queue job information as breadcrumbs
    'queue_info' => env('SENTRY_BREADCRUMBS_QUEUE_INFO_ENABLED', true),

    // Capture command information as breadcrumbs
    'command_info' => env('SENTRY_BREADCRUMBS_COMMAND_JOBS_ENABLED', true),

    // Capture HTTP client request information as breadcrumbs
    'http_client_requests' => env('SENTRY_BREADCRUMBS_HTTP_CLIENT_REQUESTS_ENABLED', true),

    // Capture send notifications as breadcrumbs
    'notifications' => env('SENTRY_BREADCRUMBS_NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLED', true),

To enable tracing, set SENTRY_TRACES_SAMPLE_RATE to a value greater than 0.0:

# You may need to adjust this value in your production environment to prevent quota issues

If you want more control over which requests are monitored, you can use the traces_sampler option:

'traces_sampler' => function (\Sentry\Tracing\SamplingContext $context): float {
    // We always sample if the front-end indicates it was sampled to have full traces front to back
    if ($context->getParentSampled()) {
        return 1.0;

    if (some_condition()) {
        // Drop this transaction, by setting its sample rate to 0
        return 0.0;

    // Default sample rate for all other transactions
    return 0.25;

You can also configure which parts of your application are traced automatically. These settings have no effect if SENTRY_TRACES_SAMPLE_RATE is set to 0.0 or if the environment variable is not set:

'tracing' => [
    // Trace queue jobs as their own transactions (this enables tracing for queue jobs)
    'queue_job_transactions' => env('SENTRY_TRACE_QUEUE_ENABLED', false),

    // Capture queue jobs as spans when executed on the sync driver
    'queue_jobs' => env('SENTRY_TRACE_QUEUE_JOBS_ENABLED', true),

    // Capture SQL queries as spans
    'sql_queries' => env('SENTRY_TRACE_SQL_QUERIES_ENABLED', true),

    // Capture SQL query bindings (parameters) in SQL query spans
    'sql_bindings' => env('SENTRY_TRACE_SQL_BINDINGS_ENABLED', false),

    // Capture where the SQL query originated from on the SQL query spans
    'sql_origin' => env('SENTRY_TRACE_SQL_ORIGIN_ENABLED', true),

    // Define a threshold in milliseconds for SQL queries to resolve their origin
    'sql_origin_threshold_ms' => env('SENTRY_TRACE_SQL_ORIGIN_THRESHOLD_MS', 100),

    // Capture views rendered as spans
    'views' => env('SENTRY_TRACE_VIEWS_ENABLED', true),

    // Capture Livewire components as spans
    'livewire' => env('SENTRY_TRACE_LIVEWIRE_ENABLED', true),

    // Capture HTTP client requests as spans
    'http_client_requests' => env('SENTRY_TRACE_HTTP_CLIENT_REQUESTS_ENABLED', true),

    // Capture Redis operations as spans (this enables Redis events in Laravel)
    'redis_commands' => env('SENTRY_TRACE_REDIS_COMMANDS', false),

    // Capture where the Redis command originated from on the Redis command spans
    'redis_origin' => env('SENTRY_TRACE_REDIS_ORIGIN_ENABLED', true),

    // Capture send notifications as spans
    'notifications' => env('SENTRY_TRACE_NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLED', true),

    // Enable tracing for requests without a matching route (404's)
    'missing_routes' => env('SENTRY_TRACE_MISSING_ROUTES_ENABLED', false),

    // Configures if the performance trace should continue after the response has been sent to the user until the application terminates
    // This is required to capture any spans that are created after the response has been sent like queue jobs dispatched using `dispatch(...)->afterResponse()` for example
    'continue_after_response' => env('SENTRY_TRACE_CONTINUE_AFTER_RESPONSE', true),

    // Enable the tracing integrations supplied by Sentry (recommended)
    'default_integrations' => env('SENTRY_TRACE_DEFAULT_INTEGRATIONS_ENABLED', true),

Sometimes the SDK requires a closure as an option value. However, this causes problems when using php artisan config:cache, resulting in the Your configuration files are not serializable error.

We can work around that by providing a callable instead of a closure. In this example we are using the traces_sampler option, but this can be used for any other option that accepts a closure:

'traces_sampler' => [App\Exceptions\Sentry::class, 'tracesSampler'],

This callable points to the App\Exceptions\Sentry class and the tracesSampler method:


namespace App\Exceptions;

use Sentry\Tracing\SamplingContext;

class Sentry
    public static function tracesSampler(SamplingContext $context): float
        // The code you would have placed in the closure...
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